Curbar AWS is now running on TinyGo

Curbar AWS is now running on TinyGo

Published May 11, 2023, 10:43 a.m. by tom

prototype breadboard
Protoyype testing the new GO code

The station was down for some hours on Monday 8 May . Eventually I tracked this down to a sensor short-circuit.

The BME280 sensor is protected but it has to be exposed to the elements to measure temperature and humidity correctly. Eventually the corrosion gets to the sensor and it produces erratic results or even shorts out.

I had an old sensor so I patched that into the system. But the bigger news is that I took the opportunity of the downtime to complete a software upgrade.

Over the past few months, I have rewritten the system in TinyGo (from C). This gave me a chance to learn a new language and also to restructure the code so it is easier to maintain (for example when adding different sensors). The new code is on GitHub.

The TinyGo software has been running for a few days, glitch free. The humidity readings are a bit suspect but this is due to the old BME280 I had to patch in. I have ordered a new sensor (and a spare) and this should be in place within a few days.